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Architecture > Location > Americas
Maria Luisa Lobo Montalvo, Hugh Thomas, Lorna S. Fox
Monacelli Press
ISBN: 158093238X
RRP Price: £55.00 Hardback
Havana, the legendary capital of Cuba, bears the traces of every stage of the island's rich history, from its indigenous traditions to the introduction of European culture in the late fifteenth century to the development of the unique amalgam of these influences that is unmistakably Cuban. In this e....MORE
Delirious New York
Rem Koolhaas
Monacelli Press
ISBN: 1885254008
RRP Price: £23.50 Paperback
Since its original publication in 1978, Delirious New York has attained mythic status. Back in print in a newly designed edition, this influential cultural, architectural, and social history of New York is even more popular, selling out its first printing on publication. Rem Koolhaas's celebration a....MORE
Latin American Houses
Mercedes Daguerre
ISBN: 1780750005
RRP Price: £19.95 Paperback
Since the early twentieth century, Latin America has been home to some of the most compelling architecture--from the large-scale and otherworldly civic structures of the Brazilian Oscar Niemeyer to the more intimate work of Mexico's Luis Barragan. In her new book Latin American Houses, historian Mer....MORE
Manhattan Skyscrapers, Third Edition
Eric P. Nash , Norman McGrath
Princeton Architectural Press
ISBN: 1568989679
RRP Price: £32.00 Hardback
What do you picture when you think of New York City? For most, it is the city's distinctive skyline, made famous by countless movies and photographs. Everyone inÊManhattan, whether first-time visitor or longtime resident, experiences the awe of gazing up at the soaring stone, steel, and glass towers....MORE
Neutra, Complete Works
Barbara Lamprecht , Peter Gössel
ISBN: 3836512440
RRP Price: £44.99 Hardback
The quintessential California Modernist Richard Neutra and his search for modern architecture Originally from Vienna, Richard Neutra came to America early in his career, settling in California. His influence on post-war architecture is undisputed, the sunny climate and rich landscape being par....MORE
Case Study Houses
Gössel, Peter (Editor) & Smith, Elizabeth
ISBN: 3836513013
RRP Price: £8.99 Hardback
TASCHEN 25—Special edition! The pioneering project that brought modernism to the masses The Case Study House program (1945–1966) was an exceptional, innovative, and unique event in the history of American architecture. Concentrated on the Los Angeles area, the program oversaw the design of 36 ....MORE
John Margolies, Roadside America
Heimann, Jim (Editor) & Patton, Phil & Peatross, C. Ford & Margolies, John
ISBN: 3836511738
RRP Price: £27.99 Hardback
The End of The Road? The native genius of America's mid-era automobile culture Before the advent of corporate communications and architectural uniformity, America's built environment was a free-form landscape of individual expression. Signs, artifacts, and even buildings ranged from playful to....MORE
One True Theory and the Quest for an American Aesthetic
Martha Banta
ISBN: 0300122977
RRP Price: £20.00 Hardback
Martha Banta reaches across several disciplines to investigate America's early quest to shape an aesthetic equal to the nation's belief in its cultural worth. Marked by an unusually wide-ranging sweep, the book focuses on three major 'testing grounds' where nineteenth-century Americans responded to ....MORE
The American Department Store Transformed, 1920-1960
Richard Longstreth
ISBN: 0300149387
RRP Price: £40.00 Hardback
After attaining classic stature with palaces erected in the early twentieth century, the American department store continued to evolve in ways that were influenced by changes in business practices, shopping patterns, design approaches, and urban structure. This masterful and innovative history of a ....MORE
Cabin, Quarter, Plantation
Clifton Ellis & Rebecca Ginsburg
ISBN: 0300120427
RRP Price: £30.00 Hardback
Visitors to such historic homes as the Hermitage and Monticello today can study the remains of places where slaves once lived and worked and, in some cases, can view historically reconstructed cabins, garden plots, and settlements. New archaeological and historical scholarship can tell us much about....MORE
American Glamour and the Evolution of Modern Architecture
Alice T. Friedman
ISBN: 0300116543
RRP Price: £45.00 Hardback
The sleek lines and gleaming facades of the architecture of the late 1940s and 1950s reflect a culture fascinated by the promise of the Jet Age. Buildings like Eero Saarinen's TWA Terminal at JFK Airport and Philip Johnson's Four Seasons Restaurant retain a thrilling allure, seeming to transform the....MORE
Mexican Design

ISBN: 3937718524
RRP Price: £22.50 Hardback
Mexican Design is a weaving layer of ancient high cultures from the sacred metropolis of the Aztec civilization up to the present. The relationship between the past and the present is manifested with the use of materials, light, uninhibited colours, contrasting tones, textures and the delicate coser....MORE
Young Architects Americas

ISBN: 3937718702
RRP Price: £22.50 Hardback
This volume in a series about young architects introduces readers to the projects of 50 young and innovative architects throughout the Americas. The highly sophisticated works of the young practitioners chosen in this publication are not only at once innovative, fresh, enlightened and boundless in t....MORE
Shop America
Steven Heller
ISBN: 3822842699
RRP Price: £29.99 Hardback
Window shopping In postwar America, everything pointed to a bright, shiny future. Sheer optimism and opulence informed everything from automobile design to architecture, infusing design with larger-than-life planes and curves. Storefront design of the era is particularly indicative of this phenom....MORE
Case Study Houses
Elizabeth A. T. Smith
ISBN: 3822846171
RRP Price: £5.99 Paperback
The pioneering project that sought to bring modernism to the masses The Case Study House program (1945–1966) was an exceptional, innovative event in the history of American architecture and remains to this day unique. The program, which concentrated on the Los Angeles area and oversaw the design ....MORE
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